
faithi am passionate about faith and spirituality. and my life’s quest seems to be caught up with exploring how the christian faith can creatively grow in the soil of contemporary cultures. to that end i blog about alternative worship, emerging church, missions, and spirituality. it’s a big grouping but track the category faith if that is of interest to you, though you can select a more specific category to follow too…

worship trickswhere i come across creative ideas, liturgies, movies, music tracks, service outlines or anything that strikes me, i add them as worship tricks. i started these in april 2002 when i first began blogging and they have built up over the years so that i am now on the third series. this has proved a pretty popular feature of the blog. series 1 | series 2 | series 3 | series 4

gracehome for me in terms of my christian faith is grace, a small creative community in london that has been going 15 years now. i have loved being part of it. these smallfire photos and flickr group will give you a flavour of the kinds of things we have done and the archive and liturgies has a ton of creative stuff that’s worth checking out.

emerging is a site i helped set up and have been part of a small group that oversees it since. it’s a collection of stories and reflections from the edges of the church in postmodern cultures. the movement has now morphed and developed into lots of other things…

mission communitycms is a mission community that i am part of and work for. my role is leading a team that is helping develop and support mission and new ways of being church in the emerging culture in europe. what does that mean in english?! well i quite liked the description i gave in an interview with roger von oech – my job is to give the church a whack on the side of the head! my main task/focus now is training pioneer mission leaders – i began teaching a foundation degree in 2010.

recycled articlesrecycled:

missional communities – something’s going onmay you…mad as a bear with toothachethe wayart in holy week – see links for all 8 days | mobilefaith | unintended consequenceswake up call for 2012 | riffing on newness – see links here for all 8 parts | beloved son | a head so full of busyness that stillness eludes me | grief and amazement | new monasticism | anger passion talent | wounded healer | hoping the church decides to prioritise mission part 1 and 2 | reflecting on mission | church from scratch video diary | australia differnent context similar questions | images of christ in photography | silence and the jesus prayer | ways into small missional communities | in search of disorganised religion | joining in with the spirit | romantic tosh | baby or bathwater | idiots guide to changing your church | cave refectory road | ways of reading the bible | theology from below | jesus family tree | african certainty meets emerging doubt | worship podcast interview | giving church a whack on the side of the head | it’s only just begun | new alongside the old | a hopeful moment in the church of england | jesus empire of the mustard seed – tom sine review | chrysalis | tinkering | rising from the ashes – nudging the conversation about emerging church onto the mainline | leadership in the new environment 1 | leadership in the new environment 2 | going with the flow – church on the edge | on evangelical identity – i’ll get my coat | context makes a difference | the best book yet on the emerging church | preaching: throwing a hand grenade in the fruit bowl | an intuitive introvert’s guide to starting a church | is it possible to get a church of england diocese to change? | broken blessing | the future of worship | worship musings – what are we afraid of? | taking street art to a new level | moving on in scotland – resources | worship articles | worship outside (in) the box | prayers, deserts and burning bushes | toxicity and the go between god | reflecting on the mind body spirit festival | blessed are the cracked | contemplative youth ministry | the network of christ | mission among young people in europe | the primal vision | mission shaped intro | free fall | i get uncharacteristically defensive about cms! | emerging in africa | croatian reflections | loyal radicals and benevolent subversion | the lost church of saint piran | monastery and mission | whose religion is christianity? | exiles | communication | emerging in scotland | christ of the indian road | the concrete christ | in conversation with gandhi | revisiting relational youth ministry | happy in my skin | practising passion | passionate debate | mission holds clues for church | tea for the soul | church under the radar | emergence in the global south | ancient meets post modern | mission and kung fu | india – christianity is a foreign religion? | post colonial guilt and contextual worship

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Richard Littledale

    Lots of great stuff on here. Glad I landed on your blog!

  2. Karen Williams

    What a fantastic site – I would like to know where you get your deklahomi cards from. We are just beginning to take our Church out onto the streets, calling it “Hope for Burton” trying to use creative ideas to engage with people so they encounter God. I am very encouraged at some of the things you are doing!
    Burton on Trent, Midlands

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