cms twenty: blah…
this is the third of a series of short reflections celebrating twenty years at cms see also 1. gold | 2. emerging church conversation as been at the heart of…
this is the third of a series of short reflections celebrating twenty years at cms see also 1. gold | 2. emerging church conversation as been at the heart of…
back in the early days of conversation about emerging church, we hosted a series of events called blah... these were conversational in various cities around england. the very first one…
apple 7 should be fun/interesting tomorrow night. it's partly in response to my review of Other i think. i fear i may end up sounding like a stuck record. here's…
this thursday in oxford pete ward and i will be doing a double act exploring mission in consumer culture. it's at cms in oxford from 10am - 1pm, and only…
mission in consumer culture is a half day at cms on thurs 11 june in oxford exploring mission in a consumer culture with pete ward and then myself and cathy…
blah... has been pretty quiet in lots of places (i suspect we're all spinning too many plates) but if you are in manchester there is a day coming up on…
september has begun, schools start again, and it's back in for a new season after the summer... there is lots going on as ever. i already mentioned ReSource below if…
good blah... day yesterday with brian walsh and sylvia keesmat on colossians remixed: subverting the empire. i noticed reflections from james and ian...
brian walsh and sylvia keesmaat are over in the uk doing some stuff for bristol diocese. we have managed to scoop them up to do three blah... days. i absolutely…
upcoming day organised by NET on shaping the values of business on the HMS president again. johnny and mike from groundworks are really good... A NET event in association with…