back in the early days of conversation about emerging church, we hosted a series of events called blah… these were conversational in various cities around england. the very first one was a discussion of pete ward's liquid church i remember. and we had tours with ryan bolger and karen ward and al hirsch amongst other things. seems a while back now!
well if you are in oxford and free in the day time (yes sorry about that) a new series of pioneer witness sessions is starting. the format is simple – someone involved in something pioneering in mission gives a spiel for around 45minutes and then there is 45 minutes discussion, q and a, then a bit of prayer/worship. after the first one people are heading off for a chinese meal. it will be a good chance to meet people.
johnny sertin is first up next week on october 18. there are 12 planned throughout the year. details here… and before anyone asks, yes they will be recorded and we'll put the spiel part up on the web site.
[following steve taylor's comment i looked back at my old blog and found the first three blahs… were pete ward on liquid church in january 2003, doug gay, me and jenny brown launching alternative worship in march 2003 (scroll down the page), and steve taylor on postcards from the missional edge in may 2003! (again scroll down page) – seems a long time ago now!!!]
i remember. i think i was one of your “blahs.” I was jet lagged and feeling “blah” but it twas a lot of fun. great to see them kicking off again,
indeed that was the third ever blah. i found it on my old blog which i haven’t looked at in a while! –
They were fun – Pete Rollins did one of ours with about 20 people!
Honoured to be the first blah! Will see if I can make it to one in Oxford, maybe next term this one is a bit hairy
I was at the first one with my old mate Tony Cant
sounds like someone needs to set up a blah memories blog. we can all share about the good old days and how hip alt really was:)