Here are books I have written or contributed to

- pioneer practice is a full colour 192 page book full of stories and practical wisdom on pioneering – perfect if you have an idea to develop. it’s the first book on a new partnership getsidetracked.
- imagining mission with john v taylor is co authored with cathy ross and speaks to contemporary issues in mission inspired by the writings of john taylor who was way ahead of his time!
- the pioneer gift is a collection of reflections on pioneer mission and ministry that i edited with cathy ross and contributed the opening chapter to.
- pioneering spirituality is a collection of reflections on spirituality in relation to pioneering mission. i edited the book with cathy ross and contributed the opening chapter.
- future present is a beautifully designed book that we crowd funded and then self published with proost. it’s a series of reflections on creating a better world by imagining a different future and changing the present on the basis of that. proost is no longer running so if you are interested in a copy email me and i’ll see if i can find one in the cupboard or send you a pdf
- curating worship explores the idea of creating worship in the way an art curator approaches the design of an exhibition. i draw on writing from the art world in the opening two chapters and then the book is a series of interviews with people who have created amazing worship experiences.
- alternative worship is a collection of liturgical resources from the alternative worship movement. it came with a cd rom which was ground breaking at the time! i put this together with doug gay and jenny brown.
- the labyrinth a transforming ritual – this is my MA dissertation pretty much as it was reflecting on ritual in postmodern culture using the labyrinth.
- grace pocket liturgies is a collection of prayers and liturgies from the grace community. my role was to gather and edit it with a few contributions of my own included. click on the link for a free pdf.
- making communion is a collection of services exploring communion at grace over the years. it has a long introduction explaining how the approach sits within the church of england. i wrote the intro together with dean ayres, i wrote several of the eucharistic prayers and edited the book. click on the link for a free pdf download.
- transforming preaching began life as a rejected chapter for a book on preaching largely i think because it was called ‘throwing a hand grenade in the fruit bowl’! but it got a respin and published as a grove book.
- the pioneer gift, pioneering spirituality, curating worship and future present have also been published in s korea.
i have published chapters in books as follows:
- i have written the foreword to the latest edition of the go between god by john taylor which you can read in full here – fire in the bones
- mission: an adventure of the digital imagination in missio dei in a digital age
- a conversation on mission and imagination with ric stott published in missional conversations
- prophetic dialogue and contemporary culture in mission on the road to emmaus
- CMS pioneer mission leadership training: a new pathway in reflecting and equipping for christian mission
- pioneering mission for the church’s theology in the end of theology
- rhythm of the masses in mass culture edited by pete ward. my chapter looks at communion in alternative worship communities and its engagement with postmodern cultures.
- the labyrinth as strategic practice in the rite stuff edited by pete ward. the book is on ritual in postmodern times. my chapter is a summary of my MA dissertation which looked at the labyrinth we created at st paul cathedral as an example of how ritual is a strategic practice in postmodern times.
- youth ministry changes more than you know in global youth ministry
- i also had a couple of chapters in gospel and globalisation which i can no longer trace online anywhere. it was a publication following a youth conference in south asia.
i have written a few journal articles:
- yes to mission spirituality was a response to pope francis evangelii gaudium in international review of mission 104.2, 2016
- do it from the inside was the annual louis luzbetak lecture i gave at ctu in chicago published in new theology review 30.2, 2018
- theological homelessness: getting lost to find a new way home published in anvil journal
- i wrote the editorial and edited the issue of anvil journal on mission entrepreneurship 33.1, 2017
- curating worship in anvil journal 27.1, 2010
- and i am currently one of the joint editors of anvil journal