grace labyrinth at beyond in brighton sun march 10
if you are down brighton way come and say hi at beyond on 10 march 7pm. we (grace) will be running a labyrinth.
if you are down brighton way come and say hi at beyond on 10 march 7pm. we (grace) will be running a labyrinth.
come and join us for our grace christmas labyrinth on saturday night. Join us for a meditative and prayerful Christmas labyrinth, a peaceful evening before the hectic part of the…
it seems to have become something of a tradition to walk a labyrinth for the first grace of the year. do join us. it will be simple, meditative, with a…
over the years i have been involved along with others in grace in making a whole range of labyrinths. in 2000 we installed one in st pauls cathedral which went…
i have always loved labyrinths since i was first introduced to them by kev and ana draper back in the nineties! this year should see a new one land at…
gathertown is minecraft or habbohotel meets zoom (take your pick depending on your age). chances are you'll hear about it at some point. i like it - it's fun and…
we spent time over christmas connecting online as family using gathertown which was fun. particularly exciting for the granddaughters was a room i made of a snakes and ladders board…
join us at grace on saturday january 11th and walk a labyrinth. if you have not walked a labyrinth before it is a lovely prayerful space surrounded by candlelight and…
another year of grace begins this next weekend - join us to walk a labyrinth
it was a wonderful evening at grace with a new labyrinth designed by adam baxter and made in the afternoon from some cloth and gaffer tape. st mary's in ealing…