About me
I dream another world is possible. The one we have is beautiful but it is also crying out for healing. I am drawn to ideas, practices and people who see new possibilities rather than settling with business as usual – dreamers who do, innovators, creatives, artists, pioneers, those who are on an adventure of the imagination, who are making a different future present. I have realised over time that as well as being one of those people myself, my life’s work is to advocate for them.
My own take is very much infused by my faith. I am drawn to and seek to follow in the way of Jesus Christ though I hope that is not a narrowing of perspective. I don’t find it to be so at least.
I am a writer and have published several books,. I am a musician and have recorded a few albums, I am a photographer. I am a curator of art and worship. I am someone who makes things happen. I am training to be a spiritual director. I am a teacher/trainer/lecturer having set up pioneer training at Church Mission Society where I am on the leadership team and oversee the mission work in Britain. That sounds grand but it is really connecting with others who are on a similar adventure to live out faith in ways that make sense especially to those beyond the natural stretch of church, for whom church often makes very little sense. Having said that I am also a lay pioneer in the Church of England. Grace in Ealing is my home church where I get to play.
I have an allotment, look after a piece of woodland, love cooking, conversation, gigs, film, books, travel, holidays, life, London. I am married and have been long enough to be a Grandad four times over which I love. I love family.
I have been blogging for over 20 years in fairly eclectic fashion. Unlike some bloggers who seem to be able to retain a single focus I am interested in many things. But the thread that weaves through it all is the connection(s) between faith and culture on the journey to better life, neighbourhoods, and world.