wake up!
last night i watched charlie brooker's screen wipe 2014. it's a month by month roll through the year with him taking pops at virtually everybody in his perceptive and sarcastic…
i have not been able to stop thinking about the massive attack v adam curtis gig that i blogged about here. joel send me a link to a piece which…
i rather like this which i spotted on james henley's blog though i have no idea of the original source...
i took part in a conference in austin in the run up to sxsw interactive exploring mobilefaith - how faith and practice can be animated, supported and enlivened with mobile…
i am heading over to austin for a week duing SXSW which should be fun. i am there from march 5 to 11. bob carlton is organising the trip and…
well my favourite april fool of the day is that if you google helvetica everything shows up as comic sans! i have taken a screen grab as i guess it…
pete ward has a new book out on celebrity culture - gods behaving badly. he's had this fermenting for a few years now so it's great it's finished. i made…
jason clark sent me an e-mail to say he is hosting a day on social media in september covering these four things - What is Social Media, why is it…