labyrinths take over london
mark wallinger is going to be installing a wall mounted labyrinth at all 270 london underground stations - yes 270! now there's a photographic challenge for someone... the first ten…
mark wallinger is going to be installing a wall mounted labyrinth at all 270 london underground stations - yes 270! now there's a photographic challenge for someone... the first ten…
here's a photo from grace at the weekend - i do love the labyrinth. such a simple thing in many ways. this time round the design we had was a…
this saturday 8pm grace will be walking a grass labyrinth mown in the grounds of st marys church ealing. if the weather today is putting you off the idea the…
a while back we ran out of labyrinth kits in the uk and decided not to do another batch but make it available as a download. it's taken us a…
brian draper has a lovely little reflective book out on the labyrinth. it's less than 50 pages, full of photos and is not so much about labyrinths as a spiritual…
i have some photos in the festival annualben edson reflects on moving on from sanctus 1 (scroll down for 4 posts so far) - all the best to alistair who…
got to love how dream's beach labyrinth turned out. the perfect setting with anthony gormley's figures at crosby... see lots of photos here
on the plane on the way over here i read the improv everywhere book and really enjoyed it. i think there are lots of possibilities for thinking creatively around alt…
gra[ce]ss labyrinth 09, originally uploaded by jonnybaker. the last few years we have mown a labyrinth in the grass outside st mary's church in ealing. this year it took joel…