labyrinth kit now available as a download

Lagguidecover a while back we ran out of labyrinth kits in the uk and decided not to do another batch but make it available as a download. it’s taken us a while but finally the leader’s guide, movie loops and audio of the meditations is now available and of course it’s made it a fraction of the price. i must admit having re-looked at the leader’s guide i had forgotten that it contains some wonderful theory as well as the practical info on how to set it up. for example there is a really good chapter on alternative worship.

if you are in the US you can still get the labyrinth in a kit form as the prayerpath

if you want to experience it online you can do so here

[update: labyrinth site is now here]

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Kathy

    It seems that our labyrinth (prayer walk) that we bought forever ago at a Youth Specialties conference is gone. I have searched all over the internet to find a new program but keep running into expired sites and dead ends. Wondering if you could help me out. I am wanting to use it for our upcoming women’s event.

  2. jonny

    I am on a retreat and wont be looking at emails during that time. Ill get back to you once I return after 15 April.

  3. Jonny

    Hi. I think it is still available from but looks like they are on a break. What is it you want exactly? The floor plan and text of mediations? See for those. The music tracks? If you give more detail I can see what i can find

  4. jonny

    I am on a retreat and wont be looking at emails during that time. Ill get back to you once I return after 15 April.

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