random thought

if you are like me once e-mails have been around a few days they slide down your in box and out of sight and get neglected for a while… this makes me realise that when i don’t hear back from people after a few days that must have happened to e-mails that i send.

most people organise their in box in date order so why not set your computer date a month ahead of time, then any e-mails you send to people would stay at the top of their list for a month?!… just a random thought i had.

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Brother Maynard

    Actually, spammers do this sometimes so that their spam is assured to be on the top of the heap. For that reason and because I had people with incorrect dates on their computer sending me email that never made the top of my inbox at all, I started sorting by order received rather than by date.

  2. Murk

    It’s also pretty inconsiderate. I’ll organise my own email box, thankyouverymuchindeed.
    If everyone did this it’d then be two months… three…. a war of ‘who can set the highest inaccurate date’!

  3. the other darren

    a random thought that could cause mass distruction!
    actually, if one uses mozilla and organises their emails by a) date and b) thread you get to track emails easier…
    if you’re as anal as I am then each email list/individual/group gets filtered into seperate folders on receiving the email…
    if i dont respond to an email then its because I’m slack 😛

  4. jonny

    ok ok it was just an idea! 🙂

  5. andii

    And when everyone does it there’ll be riots in the street like when they changed from gregorian to julian calendar [or was that the other way round?] and people thought they had been robbed of 11 days.

  6. Derek

    The fact that you have time to even think about such things let alone blog about them Jonny means you have far too much time on your hands. Yeah i know – the fact that people (including me) are responding means we also have too much time on our hands, or maybe we’re just as sad as you. Keep it going!

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