mad as a bear with toothache – worship trick

michael mitton led a pligrimage over august to ireland and wales which provoked a rush of poetry which is up on his web site here. they are poems inspired by celtic saints ciaran, brendan, brigid, kevin, brynach, non, illtyd. they are absolutley delightful and very moving. i know mark berry is going to love this poem/prayer on brendan!! i am making the collection a worship trick. makes me want to go on this pilgrimage…

Dear God
Brendan was as mad as a bear with toothache
But it was a madness you loved
And you took hold of that old bear
And threw him out to sea
‘Til he returned to land with such a wild tale
That even the priests laughed themselves silly.
The people danced in the surf of Bantry Bay
And a thousand coracles set sail
Into the bright breeze of your Spirit.

O Lord madden me by that same Spirit
Bring on the God-blessed flights of fancy
Inebriate me with Holy Ghost visions
And set me free to behold with the eyes of my heart
Great wonders on the high seas of God.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Margo, Bible Fun Factory

    I can’t think of many things more exciting than taking place in a pilgrimage to Ireland—it sounds like a wonderful experience, and I don’t doubt that it led to tons of poetry and inspiration! Thank you for sharing this poem—I look forward to getting some time to sit down and check out some more of Michael Mitton’s poetry on his website.

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