going with the flow – church on the edge

one of the projects i am involved with supporting is church on the edge. the basic idea is to explore some of the ideas around emerging church but amongst young people and in rural areas (a lot of the emerging church stuff seems to happen in and around cities). richard passmore is the creative drive behind the project. he is one of the uk’s radical youth workers and missiologists, always willing to push the edge and very passionate about keeping mission at the heart of what we do.

this wiki site
has been set up to track the project so do follow along if you are interested.  the about section explains the process. richard has blogged about various stages in it on his blog. one of the really interesting things he observed with the group of skaters he is working with was that they talked about ‘flow’ as a concept of feeling alive/wonder. so richard has explored this notion of flow with them. these two pieces: in the beginning was the flow and abs and flow are really good and we had some great discussion around them on monday on the cym course i teach on in oxford on monday this term. gospel and culture is an exciting creatuve area always in mission…

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Tiggy

    I feel a sense of flow when I feel connected to God. It leads to a flow of ideas and words and music. This was something that happened when I experienced healing – I started to suddenly write songs and music.
    Also I started to love women for the first time. I felt my feelings were flowing rather than stuck.
    And suddenly things started to go right in my life in unexpected ways. I was ‘in the flow’ and felt a sense of oneness.
    The concept of flow is a very useful one.
    PS. I am neither young nor a skater.

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