
qwerty, originally uploaded by jonnybaker. you've got to love these old type writers! this one was in the basement at andrew jones pad in orkney. just dug out a few…

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orkney photos

slideflickr.com is a brilliant tool - type in any user, or set or group and you can see a neat slidesshow of it and take the code and embed it…


caption contest

caption contest, originally uploaded by jonnybaker. having a fun week in orkney staying with andrew and debbie jones and friends...plenty of pics to follow when i get some time, but…


cream of photos

photografr.com looks to seek out the best pics from zoomr and flickr - all subjective of course... on the subject of images, if you use safari (mac) or firefox (windows)…

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warming up for the big chill

amba lifetracks, originally uploaded by jonnybaker. great warm up for the big chill last night with tom middleton aka amba playing with a four piece band and VJs at the…

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