city of angels

watchful eye, originally uploaded by jonnybaker. anthony gormley has a new exhibition, blind light, at the hayward gallery in london. one of the pieces in the exhibition is event horizon…


still waters

still waters, originally uploaded by jonnybaker. i went with the ealing group of LIP on a photo shoot along the river towards richmond. sounds grand i know but it just…

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three galleries

so i am now signed up as a member of london independent photography. i am getting stuck into the ealing group which has been great. i went on a photo…

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street shrine

street shrine, originally uploaded by jonnybaker. i have now finished adding photos to the croatia set. these candles were at a shrine in zagreb that was like a street chapel…


getting arty

following the last picture in black and white, inspired by larry (a photographer who was at gsd) who had some amazing black and white photos, and because there was this…