wye valley

wye pattern, originally uploaded by jonnybaker. at the weekend jen and i celebrated 20 years of marriage with a weekend away in the wye valley and forest of dean, a…



one evening in portugal i went to take some night shots with harry but it wasn't really happening as i hoped so we started messing around taking photos of harry…


portugal holiday snaps

well i have finally got round to going through photos from our family holiday in portugal. i have added a photo album to flickr. but if you just sit and…

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walking in rhythm

two portuguese ladies [2] - walking in rhythm, originally uploaded by jonnybaker. i'll be adding my photos to flickr this week from our holiday in portugal. i took this picture…

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devangelism or e-grangelism?

devangelism or e-grangelism?, originally uploaded by jonnybaker. spotted this old lady preaching in the rain in eastbourne! it looked quirky/funny but also is depressing that people actually think that getting…