the social pulpit – barak obama gets it
there's a white paper on barak obama's use of social media as part of his campaign. you can download the pdf here - the social pulpit [ht bob]. the paper…
there's a white paper on barak obama's use of social media as part of his campaign. you can download the pdf here - the social pulpit [ht bob]. the paper…
seems like i am not alone in rebuilding or rethinking my blog. if you are too, problogger's 31 days to building a better blog series has some really good stuff…
i met mark sayers for coffee in melbourne earlier this year... he is a brilliant thinker and reader of the zeitgeist as well as someone bringing a good missions head…
new alongside the old has been published on the fulcrum website. if you follow the blog you'll recognise it as a reworked blog post from my visit to australia earlier…
this was the title of a chapter in a book many years back called the post evangelical debate. it was actually a pretty poor book (i thought) but maggi's chapter…
i find blogging is a useful way for me to track things i come across and want to return to. this may be of no interest to anyone else but…
i have an article in the lausanne pulse magazine onmission among young people in europe
i meant to mention this earlier in the week but forgot... the current week of daily bread notes are written by me on the book of joel - justice and…
the most comments i have ever received on a blog post was a post written by jenny - the only one she has written on here - what women want.…
saturday's guardian had an interesting and surprising (for the guardian) article the athiest delusion arguing that secular athiesm has become ugly because of its fundamentalist/evangelical tone. the article ends by…