reflection on keziah
i enjoyed nel shallow's thought from the book of job [update: broken link]
i enjoyed nel shallow's thought from the book of job [update: broken link]
there was a famous missions conference in edinburgh 1910 - famous in some ways for all the wrong reasons - who wasn't there and whose voices were not heard. but…
life seems so busy at the moment that the dear old blog is getting neglected. i have a ton of books i have read and haven't reviewed and a million…
this is a rather wonderful piece on sophia called the wounded healer, no doubt inspired by henri nouwen's remarkable book of that title. what i liked about it was that…
the spiritually astute business leader's guide to what's hot in 2010 makes for a good read apparently UniTasking is in and MultiTasking out - The onslaught of mobile technologies and…
lateral action's guide to being a creative entrepreneur (free)
today's guardian has a really interesting article by tobias jones, author of utopian dreams, his reflections on visiting and staying with various communities. the article is called why i'm setting…
a ceative response manual for missional congregations in turbulent times
the text for steve bevans two lectures at cms crowther centre are online as pdfs. i think audio may follow at some point. if i spot that i'll update this…
having linked to richard's series in the last post i have since looked at his blog again and noticed a very poignant critique of the over against rhetoric of kester…