this is a bit late but netter late than never… i loved this sermon from brian walsh whose inauguration? whose kingdom?. it’s so good, so playful, so prophetic. he imagines the story where jesus lands in his hometown in luke chapter 4 as happening at trump’s inauguration. i enjoyed reconnecting with brian last year through reading romans disarmed which i commented on in the post reading the bible from the edges and said it was one of the best commentaries i had ever read.
i had a search around in relation to that because one of the things brian and sylvia do in the book is write a few targums (which they also did to great effect in their book colossians remixed). a targum is a translation and interpretation of a passage of the bible into a way that makes sense to people in the everyday. it’s a jewish tradition. the good news is i found a couple of the targums on the first part of romans. romans is a letter written by paul to christians trying to live under the oppressive regime of rome. this connection with the context of empire suddenly feels very resonant with the current empire of the usa. and the weird adopting of trump and a nationalist agenda by evangelical christians is also a context in which these make a lot of sense.
and romans 1:16-32 screwing around with idols
see what you think…