fatboys in the lounge

if you follow steve's thinking on smallritual you'll know about his re-imagining of furniture for worship spaces. well it literally came closer to home today as an order arrived for…

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grace building

following my picture of grace on the back of a lorry on the M1 lyndon harris sent me this picture of a grace building in new york! lyndon was priest…

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grace on the M1

following this morning's post on the theme of grace i found myself behind a lorry on the M1 with the word grace boldly written across the back. managed to get…


grace ten

well we had our grace ten service last night celebrating ten years of grace, the alternative worship community i'm part of in london. i have added a photo album if…


the beginning

well a conversation or two with tallskinnykiwi followed by an e-mail exchange with bob carlton followed by seeing how the categories and photo albums work in typepad was enough to…