fatboys in the lounge

fatboy boxesfatboy boxestrying out a fatboy
if you follow steve’s thinking on smallritual you’ll know about his re-imagining of furniture for worship spaces. well it literally came closer to home today as an order arrived for steve of fatboy furniture that he spotted at a trade show. our lounge was overflowing with the stuff!!!! grace meets in st mary’s church in ealing which has recently been (beautifully) redone – pews out, stone floor in, good lighting, redecorated etc.. – we usually sit around on the floor but the stone floor is a bit harder and our tatty old rugs and cushions are getting past their best and looked especially so with the new decor. anyway steve’s taken the initiative and got us some new things that look absolutely fab and nothing like church furniture… can’t wait until the next grace. here’s a sneak preview of harry crashed out on a fatboy…

This Post Has One Comment

  1. ande

    as a church that is just about to start reordering it is intresting to hear what you have done

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