two fingers

yesterday we visited ely cathedral for their morning service. it's where jen's parents live. i snapped the labyrinth there in the entrance which is one of the only cathedral ones…


today's cartoon in the guardian - fantastic! i seem to rave about something in the guardian every week. sorry if it's getting dull... i'll try and get out more!

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[grid blog :: advent 2]

[grid blog :: advent 2] this prayer/reflection came on the greenbelt christmas card. it's written by martin wroe and i think comes from a little book of his called when…

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grace at the florists

following on from my pics of grace on the back of a lorry and grace building... dave killingback has kindly sent me a photo of grace florists in glasgow. i…

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chelsea top of premiership!

it's been a good week! not only did i manage to get tickets to radiohead but today in honour of tlb's birthday i got tickets for chelsea v man united.…

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engagement news!

gareth and philippa have announced their engagement - (both work at cms, and are involved in moot). see mootblog for more... congratulations!!!!!!

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a pilgrim moves on

steve and lynne taylor move on from graceway. they had their final service and goodbyes today - a painful parting. i hope the next stage of their journey contains as…

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amusing quote

emerging minister had this great quote from king of the hill:Hank was talking to a Christian rocker and said this: "You're not making Christianity better... you're making rock and roll…

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