reaching out in mind body and spirit
ten years ago i heard john drane speak at a conference ACE 99 reflecting on the decade of evangelism in the church of england. as part of that he talked…
ten years ago i heard john drane speak at a conference ACE 99 reflecting on the decade of evangelism in the church of england. as part of that he talked…
if you came to the teaching that joy and i were doing on the theme of apprenticeship/discipleship i have uploaded our slides for you to download as a pdf file…
something old something new is an article i wrote for the leadership journal in their current issue. the piece has just been put online. in some ways it's nothing that…
the launch of the stations of the cross in oxford last night went really well. jam factory is a great space for it - art gallery meets bar and it…
well i finally tracked down the 1 giant leap new double cd to download. i have kept an eye on 1 giant leap's site since the dvd what about me?…
there's a conference in april 24-26 in sheffield called reaching out in mind body and spirit. i'm planning to go. john and olive drane will be speaking. lots of us…
well as ever people are doing wonderful things to celebrate advent. here's a few... 1. have a look through my category advent to see things from previous years which include…
i read another john taylor book on the plane recently - the christlike god. you may remember me blogging about the primal vision and the go-between god... one of the…
as i was going straight to australia the day after running the dekhomai stand at the london mind body spirit festival i haven't offered much by way of reflection. but…
following on from the post about spirited exchanges a couple of posts back, chrysalis arrived in the post. this is the latest book by alan jamieson (who blogs here with…