reaching out in mind body and spirit

there's a conference in april 24-26 in sheffield called reaching out in mind body and spirit. i'm planning to go. john and olive drane will be speaking. lots of us have run stands and been involved in taking the christian faith and spirituality into the market place of new spiritualities. this will be a good place to share stories and learning and get new ideas and encouragement. here's the blurb

Over the past few years many Christians from a wide
range of denominations and styles of spirituality have been developing
ways to relate their faith to the growing numbers exploring the New
Spiritualities. This has lead to regular ministries at rock festivals,
health & fitness centres and MBS fairs; life coaching, card reading
and spiritual art; meditation, creation liturgy and healing prayer; and
much more. This conference is a place for those engaged in the whole
range of these to come together, learn from each other and most of all
explore how we can move further towards the establishing of Christian
communities that can sustain the faith journeys of today's spiritual

more info and a booking form are available here

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. David Derbyshire

    Feedback from this would be appreciated. The nearest we have done to taking our faith into the spiritual marketplace was a stall at a community event where we were inviting prayer. The scientologists do this too. I’m not sure if there is a new age festival in Birmingham – where we are – but even if there is it might cost a lot to get a stall. Any ideas?

  2. Matt Rees

    This sounds really good. I might try and go. It really chimes in with what Ian and I are trying to get off the ground in Oxford this year (Stillpoint). Thanks for the tip off.

  3. jonny

    we got a few groups together to take a stand in london and yes it is expensive. the local stalls are much cheaper and possibly more opportunity for relationships with people?…

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