something old something new – hamilton stations a perfect example

something old something new is an article i wrote for the leadership journal in their current issue. the piece has just been put online. in some ways it's nothing that i haven't said a few times before but i'm quite pleased with it…

it opens up talking about stations of the cross in hamilton run by dave white and friends (which i previously blogged about here taking street art to a new level when i met dave last year) which is a curious case of good timing as this year's stations of the cross is running in hamilton as we speak. you can see photos of them here and the audio for the stations is also online – it looks wonderful as ever.


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Becky

    excellent article – passed it around a bit.

  2. Brooke (member of the stations collective)

    Hope you can make it to Stations in Hamilton for 2012… it’s all happening April 1-7th this year & we’d love to have you join us!

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