moo cards

i have just ordered a sample of 10 business cards from - dean gave me a tip off about it. if you have a  pro flickr account you can…


retro lamp

retro lamp, originally uploaded by jonnybaker. love this old hair drying thing turned into a lamp at the scooter cafe. i am still amazed at how well photos come out…


big chill mosaic

big chill mosaic, originally uploaded by jonnybaker. have been trying out the flickr mosaic tool/toy. you can add any jpeg urls or flickr pages to create mosaics. pretty easy to…

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eastbourne can be magical…

reflected light, originally uploaded by jonnybaker. this is my second attempt at photography on a long exposure with a tripod (first one here). i think the shot was about 15…


flickr inspector

flickrinspector - another third party flickr tool - this one gives you stats on yours or any other users photos Technorati Tags: flickr

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