catching up on books 3… advent

advent is a season in the church year in the run up to and after christmas. much like lent i find it is a good time to read something reflective or prayerful.

the book i am going to read this year on a daily basis is beginnings and endings by maggi dawn. it’s structured such that there is a reading from the scriptures and then a 3 or 4 page reflection. the ones i took a sneak preview at looked really good. i particularly liked what maggi had to say on elijah. but this isn’t really a review as i haven’t read the book yet but i thought it worth blogging in case you are looking for something as a focus for advent. maggi is always very good on connecting in with the seasons of the church year and the rhythms and liturgies of the church in a way i have never managed to grasp so i think she is ideal to write this sort of book. maggi lnks to some reviews of the book if you want to find out more.

wild goose have also published a collection of reflections, prayers and readings – disturbing complacency that is structured as series of daily readings. i’m sure it is good and you can download a sample from their web site to get a flavour. i hope it lives up to the title. 

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