progreso coffee and searching for faith

i’d not come across it before but it was wonderful to find a fabulous coffee shop in covent garden that serves great coffee, is stylish and is the antithesis of the global corporate coffee chain. progreso is run for the coffee growers who own a share of the business – their coffee sold in their cafe. oh and i forgot to mention… free wireless internet.

looks like they want to expand the business so try and get one in your area…

i also went to the book launch of brian draper‘s new book searching 4 faith. brian is an amazingly gifted writer. i think of him in the league of mike riddell when it comes to writing on spirituality. i’ve not actually read it yet but i’m sure it will be good. it’s a book for spiritual seekers introducing them to jesus.

to celebrate new year chinese lanterns are hanging in oxford street (and of course in chinatown)…

This Post Has One Comment

  1. thomas

    Hey Jonny…
    Totally agree with you re Progresso – they are an inspiration and hopefully the way forward.
    Hope the set one up in Glasgow.

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