pioneer training – new prospectus


we're now halfway through the third year of the cms pioneer mission leadership training course i set up. since it began we have had around 50 people do something with us – a module or more. and we have now added an MA and have our first year of pioneers training for ordination. we have recently used up the last of our original print run of prosepectuses (or is it prospecti?!). so we decided to give it a fresh look and update the content to reflect where we are up to now. you can download a pdf of it here. and if you would like a printed copy go here and you can see who to e-mail to get one sent to you. we are small and new so we are always keen to get the word out but don't have big budget to do so – so please do tell others about it, and pass it on. my completely biased opinion is that if you are a pioneer you should train with us!

every month we post an interview with one of our pioneer students – so if you want to get a flavour of the kinds of things people do follow along with that. the latest is with kim hartshorne

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