12 stations meditation freebie – worship trick 61 [series 3]

it’s good friday so we thought we’d throw up one of proost’s pieces for free. this is party because there was a glitch in the file we uploaded originally so some people have had problems downloading it so we feel bad for messing a few people around. and because we felt like putting something out there on good friday anyway. to view this i have embedded it full size so stretch your browser window so that the whole animation is in there and then you click through the slides on the bottom right. if your window is too small, download it – see below. the movie 12 stations is a great accompaniment if you haven’t seen it. thanks jon for agreeing to give the meditation away. if you’ve paid for it already and feel hard done by e-mail me and i’ll create a coupon for you to download something else. if you are a proost subscriber you could access this anyway. you can downlaod it here and use it either with flash player or open it in a browser if you want to use it offline.

i had a scroll back through the worship trick series and these are other things i noticed related to the season. if you have things you have come across leave a comment and i’ll take a look

bitter journey
seven sayingswhich has now moved to here
three days
ecce homo
a couple of animations
dead man waiting
good friday stencil
graffiti stations of the cross
easter liturgies
shooting jesus images
holy week reflections
passion pictures

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Laura

    Cheers guys!

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