easter liturgies – worship trick 98

the thing that has probably inspired me the most this easter has been cheryl lawrie‘s liturgies for prisoners. i almost want every liturgy that cheryl writes to be a worship trick! but these definitely are worship trick 98 [second series] along with another couple of pieces i have come across…

good friday liturgy for prisons which opens up with

What makes this day good?

If you have ever believed that love inevitably leads to betrayal
this day says it doesn’t.
If you have ever believed that some people are unloveable, irredeemable
this day says they aren’t.
If you have ever believed that there is a limit to forgiveness
this day says there isn’t.
If you have ever believed you aren’t worth saving
this day says you are.
If you have ever believed that you don’t deserve freedom
this day says you do.
If you have ever believed that fear, anger, hate and despair will always win
this day says they won’t.
And this day is good for you.

easter sunday liturgy for prisons which has this wonderful piece

The resurrection was first discovered by the friends of Jesus who stood in grief outside his tomb.
Resurrection turned despair into life.

It was discovered again by a group of Jesus’ disciples who had known the loss of all they had known.
Resurrection turned fear into hope.

It was discovered again by black south africans when apartheid was dismantled.
Resurrection turned injustice into liberation.

It was discovered again by the people of East Timor who fought for independence.
Resurrection turned oppression into freedom.

It’s been discovered again whenever someone has found the space to
love after being hurt, has found the courage to begin again when it
seems life has ended.

And that gives us faith to believe resurrection will happen in Palestine and Israel.

We have faith to believe resurrection will happen in Iraq and Guantanamo Bay.

We have faith to believe resurrection will happen in refugee camps in Laos and detention centres in Maribyrnong.

We have faith to believe resurrection will happen in the systems that crumple and oppress.

We have faith to believe resurrection will happen in the lives we know are shattered and the hearts we know are broken.

may the resurrection come.

may the resurrection come.


and another liturgist whose stuff seems to get better and better is mark berry. i am adding to this easter liturgies collection his maundy thursday liturgy from safe space/the community of st brendan scraping off the shit

and while we’re at it the scarecrow is a moving poem on the crucifixion by peter thomas of moot.

and a beautiful good friday reflection hidden in the suffering from nadia…

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Paul Martin

    Sounds like resurrection is a symbol here for “things getting better.”
    To me this isn’t likely until there is a first birth of taking Jesus’s two greatest commandments seriously: Love others and love God.
    He didn’t say “Enjoy my love and bask in God’s grace.” It’s the hard part that needs doing. The part that requires us in spirit and truth, and not just nominally, to die to self and live to Christ.

  2. Phil Smith

    Thanks for linking to this matey. We just used it on a cliff over looking the peak district.
    Hope you’re having a good easter weekend

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