lifelines [for the table]
several years back our friend lynda asked if we could meet up once a week to talk about life and at that time parenting as she was taking custody of…
several years back our friend lynda asked if we could meet up once a week to talk about life and at that time parenting as she was taking custody of…
mark scandrette has been a good friend for years (decades actually) - i think i first bumped into him eons ago when there were conversations in the usa about the…
[thanks to danilo leonardi for the photograph] the TAG photography exhibition has gone really well - just a couple of days to go. st mary's ealing is a wonderful space…
did you know that there is an ignatian centre in london that hosts a retreat day on the second saturday of every month open to all? next grace we are…
just back from a week on the isle of mull. it's now a habit of mine to take a retreat of some sort each year which is one of the…
discordant is a new venture, a creative zine or journal with a DIY ethos inviting contributions from anyone engaging with christianity and culture. it's part of the proost family. the…
i really hope it is! i am so pleased that someone has leaked the panama papers. they show what we all know really. the so called democratic world we live…
i have an article in the current issue of the international review of mission. i doubt many (any?) of you have heard of it - it's a missiology journal. i…
nice to see the first review of pioneering spirituality - thank you sally rush for both reading and reviewing it! she says that it is a book to help pioneers…
advent sunday today... if you want a tune for it the one on my mind is shine by soulsavers and how about breathe myself a meaning by martin daws for…