the stranger

the stranger, originally uploaded by jonnybaker.

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presence, originally uploaded by jonnybaker. i'm still sorting through photos from slot and gradually adding them to flickr. i love this photo. not sure why i like seats and benches?!…


skating in monastic corridors

skater-5, originally uploaded by jonnybaker. the corridors of the derelict monastery that hosts slot festival were a great space for skaters who set up impromptu ramps. the corridors were fairly…



so just back from slot festival in poland. it's held in an amazing location - an old derelict monastery and its grounds. it's sad to say but health and safety…

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sweet notions

sweet notions, originally uploaded by jonnybaker. i recently attended a sweet notions party - sweet notions is a social enterprise recycling jewellery. they collect jewellery and accessories and resell. all…

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