reflections on #nicsfight

it was good to catch up with kester briefly at the XX gig in brixton last night. the campaign around nic's fight has been remarkable in the momentum it has…

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nic’s fight

there is a lot of momentum growing around a campaign to get friendslife insurance to pay up on nic hughes life insurance. he recently died of cancer. the guardian and…

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happy man

i really enjoyed tim and vanessa's wedding on saturday. they were so happy - it was wonderful! i took a few snaps (not many as i was too busy chatting)…

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the morning always comes

for nic, a friend who died yesterday. this was a track he listened to and a phrase he took to heart. make sure you listen through to the jesse jackson samples…

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yes jen and i have been married for 25 years today :) i'll spare you the photos [in case you were wondering the RGB for silver is 133, 136, 139…


on cancer

a friend nic dying of cancer blogs on the journey - it's brutal and sad. nic was involved on the scene in london in abundant, vaux, greenbelt, and even designed the…



wonderful is the title of the final show of chelsea art college's graphic and design show. the work produced by students is quite amazing . they all have portfolios online here if you…

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all togged up off for tea with the queen

it's the perfect day for tea with the queen! after weeks of cold and rain finally summer is here. i'm all togged up and ready for buckingham palace. bring on…

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