a new pathway [1]

Reflectingandequippingi am very happy to have contributed to a book on training for mission – the book is part of the epic regnum series that has been produced as a result of a conference in ediunuburgh 2010. amazing the publishers have decided to make the whole series available as pdf downloads for free – yes free – simply look under each title and click on the download! i don't know of any other series that has happened to. what seems to happen is when a new book goes up it is made free six months later. they are all quite large books and have a range of themes with a series of chapters in.

the one i have contributed to is called reflecting on and equipping for christian mission. and the chapter is a case study in which i tell the story of cms pioneer mission leadership training and reflect on our approach. it's called a new pathway. you can go here to download the book and look it up in the index. or email me and i'll send you my chapter. it's a really helpful book with some fabulous chapters. i wish it had been around when i was reflecting on how to set up a new course for pioneering mission. i think i'll come back and reflect on one or two other chapters here on the blog if i can find time which is why i have numbered this post [1]. i have waited until now to post about this as i wanted the book to be free before doing so!

thank you to stephen bevans for inviting me to contribute – your kindness and encouragement has been a gift.