had a good time in blackpool at the mayc weekend. (as someone commented in an earlier post there was a lot of yellow and green in evidence!). the workshop on alt worship was well attended. and the communion service we did went fantastically well…
i said for people there that i would put a list of music tracks etc that we used on here… so in terms of what we did, here is the order of service (pdf file). the structure of the service follows the 4 sections of a methodist communion service but takes karen ward’s idea of renaming of sections of the litugry as described by shane. the component parts are sourced as follows:
relax animation and traffic videos – from cd rom with book alternative worship
breathing prayer – candle video loo and prayer from book alternative worship, track azzolini and the branch brothers meet being – two lone swordsmen from the album ‘swimming not skimming’
space and time – track from the album ‘spirit of the new’ available from proost
god above – track from the album ‘spirit of the new’ available from proost, video loop from dvd digital glass available from sacramentis
prayer and confession – from the liturgy eucharist hospitality which is in the book alternative worship – track kid for today by boards of canada
meditation on images of jesus – images from the pack the christ we share, track/meditation swear word from the album by martin wroe life, death, god
group discussion – tracks my culture by 1giant leap and pollo de pallo by fila brazillia
creed – from book alternative worship – track one perfect sunrise by orbital from the blue album
song table of christ – from album spirit of the new (see above)
eucharistic prayer – from eucharist hospitality liturgy in alternative worship – track – pont des arts by st germain on the album tourist
sharing bread and wine – played tracks i will receive you now from album eucharist available from proost, everything in its right place by radiohead and breathe by telepopmusik from the album genetic world
hymn here is love – from album old hymns in dub available from proost
prayers – tracks (unpublished) another time and sleepy happy by jenny brown
final track – hallelujah by jenny brown (unpublished)
various video loops (bread, cup, jesus statue, new star…. from alternative worship cd rom, highway video, and my own stuff)
presentation software was arkaos
Everytime you post something like this, I wish for instantaneous time-travel. To both be present at the event, and to sit at your feet to learn what arkaos is REALLY capable of… I’ve seen VJing done before, but never in a worship context (and I’m not sure any of the churches here in lower South Africa would appreciate the experience!). I’d love to learn more about how to integrate things the way you seem to so effortlessly. Turning a light glow-in-the-dark green with envy… 🙂
thanks michelle…. you can get a 30 day trial of arkaos from their web site. we just play around until we find stuff we like! i find the ability to layer stuff works well by selecting the various transparencies etc… but essentialy it is just a drag and drop programme! cheers
Cheers Jonny. I linked to your order of service in a post on “Liturgy.”
I did get the free trial a while ago and have had a ball playing around with the effects. Just haven’t seen it used in worship yet, but hopefully will one day.