last year i attended a workshop with lowell sheppard called dare to dream, the title of his book. there was a raffle draw as part of it and the prize was this daruma doll.
the idea is you colour in one eye when you set yourself a dream or a wish and then on completion colour in the second eye. i was unsure what to go for but settled on the dream of being able to offer spiritual direction – so i coloured in the eye for that. it has been sat on my desk with one eye staring at me for a few months now. i had already set sail in that direction before colouring it in.
since then i have completed two residential courses and finished the spiritual exercises of ignatius of loyola. i am now able to offer ignatian spiritual direction. i love ignatian spirituality so that route made good sense to me. i have just coloured in the second eye – thank you lowell! i think i am likely to accompany pioneers and perhaps spiritual seekers though open to see what emerges over the next few years. but it feels exciting to have got to this place. i have a lot to learn and of course you learn through practice and there is the small challenge of having plenty going on already. i have added a page on spiritual direction to the menu bar.
if you have no idea what spiritual direction is then you are not alone i’m sure. i may write a blog post or two at some point…