jesus reconta a história do mundo

in brazil was a first for me – a liturgy piece i wrote that was translated into portuguese. i was speaking on luke 7: 36-50 which is a meal at simon the pharisee's house where a woman who is a 'sinner' comes and pours perfume on jesus feet. the translation was a mix of google translate then tidied up by marcio who i was with. i have put the english version below. what struck me in this passage is that repentance or the ability to change is perhaps the ability to receive a new story, to be re-narrated. in that sense you might say jesus restories the world. for those who are shamed that new story is one where they stand tall, find a seat at the table and no longer have to remain in their place. for those in places of power and privilege that story is also of a level table where all are welcome, all are loved, without judgement. can those in power see what is going on, be grateful, learn humility and repent of their superiority? or will they remain in the false narrative they inhabit? the invitation is there. ff they can embrace that story God’s kingdom will surely be found.

Jesus reconta a história do mundo
Isso mantem as pessoas em seus devidos lugares
Quando sou anfitrião me ajuda a criar espaços calorosos
de aceitação  e sem julgamento
Quando a refeição é interrompida por alguém não  convidado
me ajude a crier espaço
Que aqueles que experimentam vergonha em outros lugares
se sintam recebidos aqui
Quando sou convidado,
que eu receba com graça os dons oferecidos
não importa o anfitrião.
Onde há poder e privilégio,
superioridade e direito,
e as pessoas são desprezadas,
me ajude a estar seguro o suficiente
desafiar as expectativas
e nomear o que realmente está acontecendo.
Quando todos os lugares à mesa são ocupados por homens,
reorganizar os móveis e
abrir espaço para as mulheres.
Obrigado pelo amor louco da mulher marginalizada
derramado como perfume
não ensaiado,
presente sincero.
Deixe ela me ensinar a
deixar de lado a fórmula
e seguir o fluxo.
Que venha o seu reino,
onde os envergonhados se mantêm altos
e não precisam mais permanecer em seu lugar.
Que seja feita a sua vontade,
onde os poderosos são humilhados
e não precisam mais permanecer em seu lugar.
Jesus reconta a história do mundo
que mantém as pessoas em seus lugares.

and in english…

Jesus re-story the world
that keeps people in their place.

When I am host help me create a welcoming space
of acceptance and non-judgement.
When the meal is disturbed by someone not invited,
help me make room.
May those who experience shame elsewhere
be at ease here.

When I am guest,
may I receive with grace the gifts offered
no matter the host.
Where there is power and privilege,
superiority and entitlement,
and people are looked down upon,
help me be secure enough
to defy expectations
and name what is really going on.
When all the seats at the table are taken by men,
re-arrange the furniture,
make space for women.

Thank you for the crazy love of the outcast woman
poured out as perfume
heartfelt gift.
Let her teach me
to let go of the formulaic
and go with the flow.

May your kingdom come,
where the shamed stand tall
and no longer have to remain in their place.
May your will be done,
where the powerful are brought low
and no longer have to remain in their place.

Jesus re-story the world
that keeps people in their place.

 i have added to the worship tricks list

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