thanks to anyone who came to the session in the long barn at greenbelt’s prospect farm. here’s some follow up info.
imagining mission with john taylor is here – i loved working on it. john taylor really sparked my imagination and we have tried to write in the same creative vein and i hope it will spark your imagination if you dive into it. each chapter ends with exercises on creativity you can try out.
pioneer practice is here – this is a mix of stories and very short practical articles – ideal if you have an idea to work on, and ideal for a group to use together to dream up something. it’s full colour – there are sample pages on the web site. the discount code i gave out will work until friday. if you have forgotten or weren’t there and want to know get in touch.
thanks to jo howie for taking part in the session and telling the story of sacred bean. go look at their web site and order some coffee! and as i said in the session we have added the wonderful sacred bean eucharist to getsidetracked – simply click on the page spread that says sacred bean eucharist which is in pioneer practice. i am sure jo would love to hear how you get on with that so do message me or her about it. i am making that a worship trick – remember those? it would be about 86 in series 4….
jo wrote that liturgy as part of a worship module at cms on the pioneer training essentially thinking how you might create a ritual/liturgy that reflected the culture of the community gathered around sacred bean. the training is wonderful – do have a look at the pioneer mission leadership training web site here. it’s quite late for this year! but we have certificate, diploma, BA, MA, DTh options as well as simply picking modules to do. there are now quite a few options online as well. if you are interested for this year get in touch immediately! we also have hubs round the country offering training which is not accredited – again see the web site for those.
and thanks to ali for coming and sharing about the social supermarket and other adventures getting going in rotherham.
above all i hope it sparked your imagination around what you might be able to participate in or catalyse.