more on greenbelt 1

i tend to read blogs in newsreaders and then pop over to comment, but it means i can miss conversations going on in comments, so if you are like me you will have missed the comments on my post about greenbelt. i loved cheryl’s comment about greenbelt – so i am reposting most of it as an entry here so you won’t miss it… (thanks cheryl)

i was challenged in my discipleship, i found a new depth to God’s
grace, i worshipped with heart, soul, mind and body, i confessed
(though i still haven’t got that text message back… i’m a little
worried it went to the wrong number…), i heard of deep commitment and
love for the church, i watched families play and pray together. i even
heard someone say – while leading worship – ‘I believe in the Nicene
Creed, every word of it’…

i am so grateful for greenbelt, for its complexity and subtlety and
diversity which means no collection of blanket statements can ever
describe it. it’s an extraordinary gift for the church and
the world.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Kate

    I know it just adds another something-to-think-about, but you might want to consider using Commentful. It watches the comments section for you and I’ve found it works better than cocomment or co.mment.

  2. lillylewin

    i sure missed being at greenbelt this year! i spent sunday afternoon looking at all the gb photos while drinking a cup of tea! missed the tiny tea tent and seeing you, jenny, and steve. tell them i said hello. and “next year in cheltenham” kinda like next year in jerusalem, at least for me : )
    have a great fall, lilly.

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