grace seeds – confession, affirmation, communion prayer

last night's grace was on the theme of seeds and a lovely communion service. these are a few of the prayers that those of us planning it wrote – and i am adding them as a worship trick – 65 in series 4

a confession:

Gardener God
Forgive us for the times we have kept our seeds in the packet
For the times we’ve been too scared to risk, too selfish to love, too embarrassed to try
Gardener God, have mercy on us
Forgive us for where we have let weeds grow in the soil of our lives
For the times we have forgotten to pray,
for the days when we don’t bother to listen,
for the moments when we neglect the stirring of your spirit
Gardener God, have mercy on us
Forgive us for when we have trampled on the seedlings of others
Through careless words or outright criticism,
through envy or feeling threatened,
through being insensitive or wrapped up in ourselves
Gardener God, have mercy on us
Forgive us for when we think it’s all down to us
When we forget that to grow we need the earth of our community,
The water of other people’s contribution,
The sunshine of your favour,
The nutrients that come through conversation and challenge
Gardener God, have mercy on us


affirmation (based on the grace ethos/values create, participate, risk, engage):

We believe in the Creator who imagined this world 
And then made it with all its earthy glory
Who made us in God’s image
With the same gift of imagination
Made to CREATE
To look after the earth and develop its resources
We believe in Jesus the Son of God
Who most perfectly embodied that God like image
He was able to see what God was doing and join in
Participating in the overflow of God’s love for the world
Who call us to PARTICIPATE
In the the same love for the world
We believe in the Spirit of Life 
Who animates us with the breath of God
Who assures us that we are God’s children
Who calls us to RISK 
To offer up the gifts we have been given
We believe that one day God will make all things new
While we wait we will ENGAGE
In our communities, our neighbourhoods and our workplaces
Bringing foretastes of that new creation now
Sharing the good news of God’s wonderful Kingdom

communion prayer:

Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground a dies it remains a single seed 
but if it dies it will produce lots of wheat. 
Wheat is ground to make flour 
Flour is mixed with water, salt and yeast to make bread.
Bread is your body
Your body is broken
For healing
Unless a grape pip falls to the ground and dies it remains a single seed 
but if it dies it will produce lots of grapes on the vine. 
Grapes are crushed to make juice
Juice is mixed with water, yeast and sugar to make wine.
Wine is your blood
Your blood is poured out 
For forgiveness
Thank you so much for gifts of bread and wine to remember you by
Thank you so much for being the seed that fell to the ground and died 
that we might have new life
Send your Spirit on these gifts
Come to the table 
You are welcome if you are waiting 
You are welcome if you are buried
You are welcome if you are hidden
You are welcome if nothing’s happening
You are welcome if you are growing
You are welcome if you are flourishing
All are welcome at God’s table,
especially those who know they are poor, weak and broken.
God is here, the One who makes the seed grow

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. olive fleming drane

    Love the insights and expressions here – thank you for a fresh language!

  2. Tina Hodgett

    Beautiful words which I will use if I may

  3. jonny

    you may of course!

  4. Cathy Sue Hawkins

    Can you give me the name of author/s of “Gardener God” please.

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