our latest unusual suspect at proost is juli allen. her big thing is blessings. in her community(s) she listens in and joins in the evening reflections and dialogue and at the end improvises a spoken blessing that weaves the threads together. we got to experience this first hand at greenbelt in the proost lounge evening (thanks to everyone who took part and came along). at the end of the evening she gave us a greenbelt blessing which she has posted on her blog. it was great to meet juli having never met before greenbelt and just liased via e-mail on the book.
we have published with juli the latest book in our pocket liturgy series (we're now up to number 6!!) – a book of blessings – which is available from proost and if you are a subscriber you can download in the downloads area (actually as i write this we are shifting the site to a different server so the site is temporarily down for maintenance but it will be back shortly.) you can find juli's book to download or as a hard copy in the book section of the site.
i really like improvised liturgy – juli reminded me how much i liked karen ward improvising the eucharistic prayer a few years back where she wove into the prayer lots of stories and thing to be thankful for. it somehow blended the depth of the liturgy with a more personal touch. it's a real skill.
i am making the idea of improvised blessings a worship trick – no 39 in series 3
here's the text of the blessing…
blessings on you who have entered this space-
who have traveled far and near to be in this space.
let your soul sigh in this space.
let yourself be undone in this space.
let yourself feel the love that surrounds, and permeates, and brings this space together.
breathe it in and let it wash over you.
for some, this marks the beginning.
the beginning of a new year,
a new song,
a new season.
for others it is a close, an end, a period at the end of a chapter.
hopes have been sparked here.
dreams have begun here.
revolutions and relationships have arisen here.
and as a phoenix, we will descend in all the glorious shades of red, and orange, and yellow.
this time together…
this space together…
this experience together…
we will take deep, deep down into our bellies
where a fire will burn that will take us through the next year.
until we meet again we will carry within us memories that will never leave us.
embrace what is left in this space,
and in this time soak up all that you can,
and be sent out knowing that you are loved and you are blessed.
Johnny B!
Julie and her blessings are a real gift. Very glad Proost has published her work. Glad to connect at Greenbelt. Really enjoyed getting to hang and chat with you. Looking forward to more! See you in Austin in the Fall.
i’m looking forward to doing a movie with juli for proost at christmas.
i’m also wanting to put some of her words to music… she’s already sent some cool stuff for me.
what she does is just brilliant. i love her whole ethos. she is a nugget. 🙂
What actually *is* a blessing?
it’s a prayer asking for god’s blessing on people, a place or a situation. the best known i guess is moses blessing in numbers 6 ‘may the lord make his face to shine upon you…’