all are welcome

i was back at st beunos at the weekend for another dose of silence which was like drinking. i found it quite easy to settle back into it. it was a guided retreat which means you have a conversation with a guide once a day. i can't remember what we were talking about that led to it but my guide showed me a painting by sieger koder of the table with christ's hands breaking bread at the front and faces looking towards him. the people round the table are a motley crew – i think they are something like a jew, a prostitute, a beggar, a misfit/clown, a scholar, a rich woman, a migrant. it's a lovely picture of christ's table filled with outsiders. on the wall behind is an image of the prodigal son with the father and son's embrace while the older brother looks on aloof… 

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Dan Yarnell

    What a brilliant painting. I have been considering something like this for many years, an image of the welcoming of Jesus’ table. Many thanks for posting about it.

  2. Robb

    I’ve never come across sieger koder before. Just googled and found a wealth of images. I don’t think I’ve come across art so brilliant since I discovered Antonia Rolls years ago. Thanks for sharing it.

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