jenny reflects on the line up of women speakers (or not) at christian conferences in a blog post where are the women? . it's brilliant as always. jen says she is picking up on just one issue.
so let me pick up on another… when you are running a conference it's simple – decide to have approx 50% men and 50% women speakers (without being dogmatic about it – 40/60 or whatever would be fine). all it takes is sensitisation and intentionality – i.e. you need to be aware of it, and i realise that in itself is a massive leap as there is a lot of invisibility around it. and then just do it. we had a conference this week for pioneers and had 3 men and three women speaking at it. we would actually have had 4 women but one dropped out at the last minute who would have been one of our plenary speakers. we simply decided and it wasn't a difficult decision or even a big one. it was just obvious to us on the team as i guess there are enough people sensitised to it.
It really shouldnt be a big deal now, but sadly it is…
Another question that we need to ask, when it comes to actually living out what we speak about in the conferences etc…ie loving one another,building one another up. Being Jesus in the comunity…is where are the men?
Well said by The Bakers – I saw this and RT on twitter.