this last weekend was the third weekend in the ReSource course that i teach on and help plan. each weekend is in a different location where we interact with a church that is new or emerging or creative or all three. this time it was saint laurence’s in reading. 10 years ago it had dwindled to a few people. chris russell arrived as vicar and has transformed it into a vibrant church with mission amongst young people at the heart of what it’s about. it really is inspiring. the building has had an incredible makeover as well. i have added a photo set from the weekend to flickr. and there is my last year’s set if you are interested.
this photo was from an interactive exercise on the fri evening discussing what are the negotiables and non negotiables of church. for me pretty much everything was negotiable apart from being connected into the wider christian church!
if you are involved in creating church in the emerging culture or have a dream to think creatively about and plant church for a different group of people then seriously think about coming on the course next year.