i’ve been tagged by roger and asked to share 5 things you probably didn’t know about me…
1. i was sat about 3 yards away from former england manager bobby robson yesterday in a cafe in newcastle – he was looking fairly frail.
2. i have a statistics degree – yes i know it doesn’t make sense and i would do something different if i rewound the clock but i did meet jen at university so it had its pluses!
3. my great great great great great great great granny on my mum’s side of the family was flora macdonald who rescued bonnie prince charlie
4. i am apparently descended on my dad’s side from the explorer baker of the nile
5. i went to see the ddo (diocesan person) when i was 20 about becoming a vicar. they sent me away for a couple of years but i never went back.
i tag theoldbill | cheryl | sarcasticlutheran | thomashawk | phil
Fun stuff. Thanks for being a good sport. What’s really interesting is to see what your “tagees” said, and then to follow out and see what their “tagees” said. I learned about some new sites. Thanks!
I wonder how many other people were sent away by the ddo and never went back? Tragedy, i call it. At least now we are more disposed to recognie youthful vocations, I have a 26 yr old colleague who is great!
My ddo told meto go away but i refused and eventually went to a selection conference after an incident with a carving knife at the ddo’s neck (long story…) and was recommended. Whether this is good or bad I do nto offer a judgement on!