tiffin on the lawn

Tea on the lawn, originally uploaded by Mark Berry.

caught on camera at cms residential last week having tiffin with mr jones… whilst playing croquet and bowls!

more at emerging croquet | emerging bowling | emerging church is NOT white middle class males | mark cms flickr photos

it was a good couple of days. the cms team i am part of is really becoming quite exciting…

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. julie

    why is your little finger not sticking out as etiquette demands when you are holding an afternoon teacup on the croquet lawn ?
    you boys need some women around to show you how to go about things properly !!

  2. Tom Allen

    Why is Chris Neal pouring wine on the patio – is this a new emergent ritual – and if so what is it symbolic of? (see flickr photos)

  3. John Musick

    I’ve never felt more American…and a rather brutish one at that.

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