now that is what i call a baptism…

congrats to oscar who got baptised today. there was no messing around as he got virtually the whole jug of water over his head. the congregation gasped, he cried, then smiled, then everyone clapped. it was incredibly dramatic. it helped that it was his dad and mum doing the baptising.

i have never actually seen anybody do that at a baptism. i hope it catches on…

rubberducka yellow duck ended up in the font – caught a nice photo of the duck looking over the edge. love the expression on its face.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Kathryn

    Having done 2 very tame baptisms today, at both of which I talked about the way the pathetic little trickle of water we offer is the most inadequate symbol ever for the overwhelming tide of God’s love that is on offer, this positively shouted at me. Now, how do I summon up the courage to suggest this to next Sunday’s parents…? Fab photo…perhaps that might convince them 🙂

  2. John Cooper

    I am loving the duck…its expression is random but i am sure it is having fun
    take care mate
    warm regards

  3. Paul Morriss

    Those photos are just great! By the looks of it the baby hardly got wet in the first one.

  4. steve

    baptists use lots of water all over the head all the time. good to see the anglicans catching on. now we just need to have a talk about the age of consent 🙂

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