birmingham ReSource weekend went really well… good to see people again. we explored the theme of culture – postmodern, contextualisation, gospel and culture, mapping local ones etc. i arrived a bit early and wandered round the city centre. i do love the selfridges building covered in circles – it’s strangely compelling. took a few photos of it of course. this one’s my favourite…
Hey jonny
The weekend was cool inspite of buggered foot
cheers for the teaching on Postmodernism it was usefull even if we did rip into it a bit the Urban poor huddle.
On that note
I’ve been really rattled by the tension that there in postmodernism as movement that has a “incredulity towards metanarratives” when it itself is a mettanartive.
Alongside this is the nagging wonder of how much of all the talk of “Postmodernism” really applies to the world outside of “‘Mac’land” and the fairley rich multi-cultural metropolises.
I was wondering if there are any good sources of talk or arguments for/about postmoderinism comming from rural/poor/monocultural area’s contexts