jump britain

parkouroff to the IASYM conference today which i am looking forward to…

following the success/inspiration of jump london, the programme on parkour/free running round famous sites in london. the runners are now doing the same thing round sites in britain, it’s on channel 4 thurs evening 10pm. one to watch…

This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. david

    Did you see “Mary Poppins” over Christmas? There was a stunning number danced and Le Parkoured on the roof toops. Dick Van Dyke was the original Le Parkour!!!!

  2. blaine

    This is a grate wed site

  3. matt

    hi, i was just wondering if there was any way of finding a parkour website so i could ask about some things. thanks.

  4. mark

    me and my mates have been trying out some of your moves around are skool it feels so good.
    tomorow we are going to are local town (wrexham)
    i cant wait!
    i would love to be as good as u but it will take me a long time!
    p.s. your show has really inspired us
    plz write bk finch and lloydy

  5. Iain Smith

    Can u Give me any tips on how to get better?

  6. Iain Smith

    Can u Give me any tips on how to get better?

  7. jonny

    guys i was just blogging about the programme. i’m not involved! the web site i link to above is the place to connect with the guys involved – http://www.urbanfreeflow.co.uk/

  8. Harry leslie

    i just wondered how do i get in to parkour i would really love to do it

  9. Jonathan

    Found another good one, loads of tips on how to start and pictures about parkour. http://www.screwgravity.com

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