i met martin at a recent golf day. he e-mailed me some posters he was using for harvest. this is in a pretty run of the mill anglican church in hove. he basically managed to persuade the local tescos supermarket to collaborate on a harvest experience so that rather than people being expected to come to the church for harvest they could engage in harvest at the supermarket. they printed leaflets to give to people in the store so that while they were doing their shopping they could stop at various places and read a poster with some scriptures and questions. martin writes about it at harvest renewal and derek has posted pictures of the posters they used.
reflecting on the experience martin says
it was great to be able to take spirituality out into the real world,
instead of expecting them to come to us on our terms in our buildings
with our rituals and rules
Technorati Tags: harvest, worship tricks, alternative worship
I would say thats a mentality we have gotten into of where we think that people should come to us. I like the whole idea of getting out there and reaching people where they are at.
I used to living Portsmouth in till i was 21 then moved to canada.
jonny what church are you part off? I also lived in London for a while in good ol Romford.
I still have a few friends in london.. have you ever got out to holy trinity brompton? how does that compare to the church your in